Who hasn’t used the ancient method of “time management” known as never doing today what you can put off until tomorrow? But procrastination doesn’t feel good. When an unfinished chore is hanging over your head, it’s like living under your own personal cloud. The next time you are having trouble getting started, ask yourself why you’re doing this to yourself. Perhaps one of the following solutions will work for you:

“I just can’t get started.”
Don’t want to start now? Then give yourself a deadline for starting. Do something enjoyable, but stick to your deadline.

“It’s too big of a job.”
Break the job into smaller tasks. Don’t think about anything but the first task until it’s done, then move on to the second task, the third task, etc.

“I don’t know where to begin.”
Jump in and do what looks the easiest, most enjoyable or least painful part of the task.

“I really don’t want to do this.”
We all have to do things we don’t want to do, but if you’re habitually procrastinating in one area, stop and examine this message. Maybe you really need to make some changes so you’re doing more of the things you love.

Procrastination diary

Make your own “procrastination diary” to get a better feel for why you’re putting the job off and what you can do about it.

Task I put off: Why? Do I really need to do it? My plan of attack: