If you are sexually harassed, use the three “R”s:


  • Remain professional.
  • Be direct with the harasser. Let your feelings be known about the inappropriate behavior as soon as possible.
  • Tell the harasser that his/her words, actions or behavior make you feel uncomfortable.
  • Tell him/her to stop.


  • Be prepared to provide the facts. (Who, what, where, when, how often, how, etc.) It may be helpful to write down the important details before reporting the incident so you don’t leave out any relevant information.
  • Be aware of any witnesses who can support your claim.


  • If the behavior continues, report the incident to your supervisor, human resources or union representative. (If the harasser is your superior, you have the right to go to his/her superior.)
  • Remember it is most effective to report harassment while it is going on or shortly thereafter.
  • Call your Employee Assistance Program for more information and resources on sexual harassment.

Your rights

  • You have the right to feel safe and comfortable at your job.
  • You have a right to let the harasser know that you are offended by his/her words or actions, and you want him/her to stop.
  • You have a right to report sexual harassment to management and expect a change.