For parents

Teens getting less sleep than ever

American teens don't get enough sleep, and the problem has only gotten worse since the 1990s, new research shows. Just 63 percent of 15-year-olds reported getting seven or more hours of sleep a night in 2012. That number is down from 72 percent in 1991, according to the study. Regardless of the time period studied, [...]

2016-03-22T10:05:46-04:00February 27th, 2015|For parents, What's new at FIRSTCALL|

How to make a family media use plan

From TV to smartphones to social media, our lives are dominated by 24/7 media exposure. Despite this, many children and teens have few rules around their media use. While media consumption by itself is not the leading cause of any health problem in the U.S., it can contribute to numerous health risks, say experts. At [...]

2016-03-22T10:06:41-04:00February 1st, 2015|For parents, What's new at FIRSTCALL|

Screen time and children

"Screen time" is a term used for activities done in front of a screen, such as watching TV, working on a computer, or playing video games. Screen time is sedentary activity, meaning you are being physically inactive while sitting down. Very little energy is used during screen time. Most American children spend about three hours a [...]

2016-03-22T10:06:41-04:00February 1st, 2015|For parents, What's new at FIRSTCALL|

Kids getting too much ‘screen time’

U.S. teenagers are still spending hours in front of the TV and computer every day—despite years of expert advice that kids' "screen time" should be limited, a new government study finds. In two national surveys of children aged 12 to 15 years, researchers at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that nearly [...]

2020-03-22T22:34:43-04:00January 30th, 2015|For parents, What's new at FIRSTCALL|

Holidays can be sensory overload for kids with autism

The holidays can be a challenge for families of children with autism because sensory overload can trigger major meltdowns, an expert says. "Holidays with family can be dicey under the best of circumstances, but when you have children with special needs, some care must be taken," Varleisha Gibbs, an occupational therapy professor at University of [...]

2020-03-22T22:34:43-04:00November 26th, 2014|For parents, What's new at FIRSTCALL|

Kids’ body image shaped by parents

Parents play a crucial role in helping children develop a positive body image and healthy eating habits, an expert says. "Sometimes we parents forgot how important our words, thoughts, and feelings are in the lives of our kids," Dr. Aaron Krasner, director of the adolescent transitional living program at Silver Hill Hospital in New Canaan, [...]

Help teens reduce worry over body image

According to surveys by the National Institute on Media and the Family, 53 percent of girls report being unhappy with their appearance. Experts have found that poor body image can lead not only to social isolation, but also to serious emotional problems, including depression and anxiety. Much dissatisfaction with one's appearance is driven by the [...]

Reading to babies and toddlers

A study in Child Development looked at the home environments, habits, and relationships of nearly 2,000 mothers and young children from low-income families. They then compared them to the child’s learning development at different ages between one and five. Researchers found that the more regularly parents provided their little ones a positive learning environment at [...]

2016-03-22T12:36:37-04:00July 31st, 2014|For parents, What's new at FIRSTCALL|
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