According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, retirement is defined as “the withdrawal from one’s position or occupation or from active working life”.

Retirement however, does not happen all in one day. Retirement is a complex process which involves a sea of emotions like any other major life transition. It starts with…

Fantasy… This is a vision or picture of what life might be like after a life style of full time employment. The vision may start up to ten years before retirement eligibility; nevertheless, the fantasy includes feelings of empowerment and adventure. That means people feel that they will have the power to regulate their own time and the energy to explore and have adventures that only time can give room to. We wonder, “What would I like to change about my life in retirement…what doors will open… how will the new me be?”

Anticipation… The clock is ticking and within five years of that retirement day, we often feel anticipation. Most people expect to enjoy retirement and move toward their retirement lifestyle vision especially if one’s health and financial resources are on track. Some may be fearful, resistant and anxious. This part of us looks at retirement with a sense of loss… loss of identity, structure, social network, stimulation.

Liberation… Retirement day brings that new dawn of adventure and exploration. One looks to the future and examines the menu of possibilities ahead. Newly retired persons sometimes get involved in “catch-up”; those things that have been on the “to do” and the people “to see” list for years. Other newly retired persons leap to fill their hunger for exploring new hobbies, travel or even starting a new business pursuit.

Reorienting… After a few years in the retirement mode, the liberation experience transforms into norm and new orientation. Many retired people will insist that they were never as busy as now. They are glad to be able to get up in the morning and do the things that bring satisfaction and a measure of fulfillment.