
Understanding the stress/health connection

Stress exists in your mind but it's also evident in your stomach, heart, muscles and even your toes. "In fact, stress may affect every cell in your body," says M. Ronald Glaser, PhD, a professor at Ohio State University Medical School. During stressful times, your body produces various chemicals, including cortisol, an immune-suppressing hormone. The [...]

Banish burnout

Job stress can drain you. You may start to feel you’re getting nowhere. You grow detached. There’s a word for this: burnout. And it’s bad news for you, those around you, and your employer. Ignoring burnout could raise your risk for stress-related illnesses, derail your enjoyment of life, and impair your job performance. So take [...]

2020-03-22T22:34:31-04:00August 1st, 2017|Stress, Wellness at work, What's new at FIRSTCALL|

Address your stress

Some days, even a dream job at a great company can stress you out. A little anxiety is normal, but too much can take a toll on your health, your job, and your life. Men and women who feel stress on the job face a greater risk for heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems than [...]

2017-02-03T11:02:46-05:00February 3rd, 2017|Stress, Wellness at work, What's new at FIRSTCALL|

Coping with stress

At this time, when there seems to be so much uncertainty in our lives, it is normal for us to feel stress—because we are living in a new and abnormal situation. However, acute and chronic stress may affect your health, your relationships, your work performance, and your ability to enjoy your life. Beat stress by [...]

2017-02-03T11:08:58-05:00February 3rd, 2017|Stress, What's new at FIRSTCALL|

Five steps to knock out stress

Stress is a part of life, but when it gets out of hand, it can harm your health. It can even make medical symptoms worse. When you feel stressed or anxious, you may notice that your breathing quickens or you become short of breath. Try these five strategies from the American Psychological Association to keep [...]

2020-03-22T22:34:33-04:00February 3rd, 2017|Stress, What's new at FIRSTCALL|

How to beat serious stress

Every day of our lives we face events that cause us stress. Although most of these events are minor in the grand scheme of things, there are situations that clearly can be considered major sources of stress—such as an impending marriage or divorce, or trouble at home or work. You may need help from others, [...]

2020-03-22T22:34:33-04:00February 2nd, 2017|Stress, What's new at FIRSTCALL|

Holiday stress? It’s all relative

"Home for the holidays" sounds heartwarming, but it can easily morph into "the nightmare before (and during) Christmas." The hectic weeks from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day are already chock-full of obligations. The thought of spending time with family members capable of pushing your every button can make you dream of a tropical island getaway. [...]

2020-03-22T22:34:33-04:00December 1st, 2016|Holidays, Stress, What's new at FIRSTCALL|

The importance of vacations for stress relief, productivity and health

Many people don’t take vacations often enough. In fact, according to a poll on this site, around half of readers don't take annual vacations; in fact, many readers never take them! And now with increasing frequency, when we do take vacations, we often bring work along with us, keeping ourselves essentially still in the work [...]

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