
Manage holiday stress

Holiday stress can quickly spiral out of control… but you can take steps to keep your holidays merry and bright, not frantic and frazzled. Consider some ways to manage your stress: Don't push yourself too hard to find the "perfect" gift. Start shopping now so you're not rushed at the end of the season. Make [...]

2016-03-22T12:38:50-04:00December 1st, 2013|Holidays, Stress, What's new at FIRSTCALL|

Health care falls short on stress management

When it comes to stress management and wellness, there is a gap between what Americans want from their health care system and what they actually get, according to a new survey by APA. Findings from Stress in America™: Missing the Health Care Connection, conducted online by Harris Interactive among 2,020 U.S. adults last August, suggest [...]

2016-03-22T12:39:37-04:00June 1st, 2013|Stress, What's new at FIRSTCALL|

How to fight stress-related diseases

Stress-related health problems can be the basis for many doctor visits. For example, suppose Joe has inherited a predisposition to develop a depressive disorder. For him, a difficult breakup with his girlfriend may be all that's needed to trigger a bout of severe depression and the need for a doctor's visit. Then, there's the natural [...]

2020-03-22T22:34:48-04:00May 28th, 2013|Stress, What's new at FIRSTCALL|

Using yoga to relieve stress

To combat stress, many people turn to meditation or other mental stress reduction tools. But stress also creates physical responses in your body and, as such, can be managed with exercise—in particular, with yoga. Stress sends your entire physical system into overdrive. Your muscles tense, your heart beats faster, and your breathing patterns change. If [...]

Managing your stress in tough economic times

Money is on the minds of most Americans. In fact, according to the American Psychological Association’s 2010 Stress in America survey, over three-quarters of Americans (76 percent) cite money as a significant cause of stress. And while the economy appears to be becoming healthier, personal financial problems still worry many Americans. But, like most of [...]

2020-03-22T22:34:49-04:00April 1st, 2013|Financial concerns, Stress, What's new at FIRSTCALL|

Tax day: strategies for managing money stress

The looming IRS tax deadline may be stressful for many Americans. Stress related to tax deadlines can increase reliance on the unhealthy behaviors, such as eating to alleviate stress, making poor diet choices, smoking, drinking and being inactive, that many people already use to cope with everyday stressors related to money, work, personal and family [...]

2020-03-22T22:34:49-04:00April 1st, 2013|Financial concerns, Stress, What's new at FIRSTCALL|

Young adults: America’s most stressed generation?

Young Americans between 18 and 33 years old—the so-called millennials—are more stressed than the rest of the population, according to a new report from the American Psychological Association. What's stressing them out? Jobs and money mostly, said Norman Anderson, CEO of the American Psychological Association, during a Thursday morning press conference. On a scale of [...]

2020-03-22T22:34:49-04:00March 28th, 2013|For parents, Stress, What's new at FIRSTCALL|
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