
Give new meaning to the phrase “life of the party”: nine tips for holiday celebrations

Honesty is the best policy. Make sure your employees know your workplace substance abuse policy and that the policy addresses the use of alcoholic beverages in any work-related situation and office social function. Post the policy. Use every communication vehicle to make sure your employees know the policy. Prior to an office party, use break-room [...]

Considering diversity when planning holiday parties

Yes, it’s here again… the holiday season. Many managers find themselves in the role of party-planner for their workplace festivities. Sensitivity to the diverse workforce must be a priority but how can one plan a celebration that will appeal to all? Sondra Thiederman PhD, author of Making Diversity Work, advises “Focus more on what we [...]

2016-03-22T12:58:26-04:00November 30th, 2010|Holidays, Wellness at work, What's new at FIRSTCALL|

Holiday blues

The holidays can be a time of joy, happiness, and celebration with family and friends. For many people, however, the holiday season is a time of sadness, gloom, and even depression. These feelings can be a result of many factors. Some common causes of holiday blues are the loss of a family member or friend, [...]

2020-03-22T22:34:59-04:00November 30th, 2010|Depression and suicide, Holidays, What's new at FIRSTCALL|

Money issues leading cause of holiday stress for Americans

What causes the most stress during the holiday season? Money issues were the top vote getters for holiday stress, according to a recent poll by the American Psychological Association (APA). The Survey found that 61 percent of Americans listed lack of money as the top cause of holiday stress followed by the pressures of gift [...]

2016-03-22T12:58:52-04:00November 30th, 2010|Financial concerns, Holidays, Stress, What's new at FIRSTCALL|

Finding happiness for the holidays

by Wanda Woodward, Department of Psychiatry, Bryn Mawr Hospital, a part of Main Line Health December seems to have three of the most significant religious and cultural celebrations for the entire year. We have Hanukah and Christmas, which carry religious meaning, and Kwanza, which is of cultural importance. Even if you don’t personally celebrate one [...]

2020-03-22T22:35:00-04:00October 22nd, 2010|Holidays, What's new at FIRSTCALL|

Blue and broke for the holidays

That's the holidays this year, with many people both blue and broke—the usual melancholy compounded by the highest jobless rate in three decades and a jackknifing stock market. "Mental health problems are common and spike more often during the winter months not only because of the holidays, but also because of seasonal affective disorder," said [...]

2020-03-22T22:35:08-04:00November 25th, 2009|Financial concerns, Holidays, Stress, What's new at FIRSTCALL|
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